Daniel Kehlmann

Patricia Simpson (Montana State University Bozeman)
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Biographical sketches of Daniel Kehlmann's life seem an inadequate introduction to his stellar literary career. He was born in Munich on 13 January 1975 as the son of a television film director and an actress. Kehlmann and his family moved to Vienna in 1981 where he attended high school and began studying philosophy and literature at Vienna University in 1993. At the same time, he embarked on his career as a writer. His most stunning success to date, the novel

Die Vermessung der Welt


Measuring the World

, 2005, English translation by Carol Brown Janeway, 2006], won him international fame and has already sold more than a million copies. However, his earlier novels earned him critical acclaim, public recognition, and prestigious prizes as well.

Beerholms Vorstellung


Beerholm's Performance


655 words

Citation: Simpson, Patricia. "Daniel Kehlmann". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 13 August 2007 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=11814, accessed 31 March 2025.]

11814 Daniel Kehlmann 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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