Friedrich Maximilian Klinger

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In literary history the term

Sturm und Drang

(Storm and Stress, q.v.) is often applied to the early dramas of the German luminaries Goethe and Schiller and of other writers of their circle during the years 1767-1786, including Friedrich Klinger, Jakob Reinhold Michael Lenz, Friedrich Maler-Müller, Heinrich Wagner, and C.F.D. Schubart. More generally, the phrase signifies the emotional turmoil and excesses of rebellious youth, accompanied by the idealization of nature, art, individual freedom, and creative, uncompromising genius. In the lifespan of a poet, such a youthful phase is generally followed by mature restraint, practicality, and allegiance to societal and artistic norms. The term originated as the name of a 1776 play, originally called




), by Klinger, a friend…

1749 words

Citation: Saur, Pamela S.. "Friedrich Maximilian Klinger". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 05 September 2011 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

11789 Friedrich Maximilian Klinger 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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