Botho Strauss, a resident of Berlin and the Uckermark, is one of the most talented, prolific and versatile contemporary German authors. Since his debut in the early 1970s, he has continued to produce provocative and intriguing creative works. A member of the prestigious PEN Club, Strauss has won a number of literary awards, seen many of his works translated in several languages and his dramas widely performed in Germany and abroad. His stature was demonstrated by considerable public attention to his sixtieth birthday in 2004. An innovative playwright, Strauss enlivened the overly rational German theater of the 1970s by an infusion of emotional and psychological depth, dreams and the subconscious, as well as strikingly experimental forms. Both his plays and his novels and stories reject…
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Citation: Saur, Pamela S.. "Botho Strauss". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 October 2006 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]