Famous for his biting wit, wry sense of humour, and flowing white beard, Robertson Davies is one of Canada’s most beloved authors. Though his present reputation is built almost entirely on the success of his novels, his complete corpus of written work is astonishingly eclectic. Canada’s “Grand Old Man of Letters” was a prolific writer of journalistic pieces, literary reviews, cultural criticism, essays, novels, plays, satire, operatic libretti, and even a few poetic fragments.
William Robertson Davies, also fondly known as Canada’s “Wizard of the North”, was born in Thamesville, Ontario, on August 28, 1913. His Welsh father, William Rupert Davies, was a newspaper magnate and politician (eventually a senator), who moved his family around the province as he took over the
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Citation: Berard, Jordan Anthony. "Robertson Davies". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 02 March 2012 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=1155, accessed 31 March 2025.]