Robert Creeley

Gina Wisker (University of Brighton)
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The speaker in Robert Creeley's poetry is most often intent and even overwrought, relentless, uncertain but always seeking, confident in his uncertainty rather than reliant on previous certainties, interested in approaches to complexity and tensions rather than momentary resolutions. The eye in Creeley's poetry sees things his way. Take, for instance, this view of “The Flower”: (

Collected Poems


I think I grow tensions like flowers in a wood where nobody goes. Each wound is perfect, encloses itself in a tiny imperceptible blossom, making pain. Pain is a flower like that one, like this one, like that one, like this one.

I think I grow tensions like flowers in a wood where nobody goes. Each wound is perfect, encloses itself in a tiny imperceptible blossom, making…

2354 words

Citation: Wisker, Gina. "Robert Creeley". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 31 October 2002 [, accessed 29 March 2025.]

1067 Robert Creeley 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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