Member Statistics

  • Total number of members 44498
  • Total number of members with an active subscription 4122
  • Total institutional subscribers (non-contributors) 629

Total number of users by type

Type Number
Teaching: Higher education lecturer/assistant professor 1583
Teaching: Higher-education full professor 793
Amateur / Independent Scholar 4242
Teaching: Higher-education senior lecturer/ reader/ associate professor 816
Student: Further education 1515
Teaching: School 763
Student: Higher education MA 2329
Student: Higher education BA 4796
Librarians: Higher education 300
Publishing: Editor - other 157
Student: Secondary school 1018
Teaching: School head of department 14
Teaching: Further education 423
Teaching: Higher education full professor 43
Teaching: Higher education assistant lecturer / part-time teacher 56
Publishing: Editor - academic/ scholastic 142
Librarians: Secondary 63
Teaching: Higher education senior lecturer/ reader/ associate professor 76
Student: Higher education research 1658
Unknown 1710
Writer 1
Contributor 1019
headwords 1714
Teaching: Higher education head of department 16
Student: Higher education postdoctoral 354
Librarians: Other 112
Librarians: Public 124
Publishing: Marketing and sales - other 33
Librarians: Further education 91
Teaching: Further education head of deparment 5
full 2
Publishing: Marketing and sales - academic/ scholastic 30
Publisher 8
Journalist 364
Museum Curator 33
Advertiser 664
Assisant Editor 2
Leverhulme ECR Fellow The Scottish Centre for Global History 1
works 1
TOTAL 44498

Users Registered in Last 7 Days


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