Horatio Alger, Jr., was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, to Horatio Alger, an improvident Unitarian minister and farmer, and Olive Augusta Fenno, a distant relative of the poet Charles Fenno Hoffman. After graduating from Harvard College in 1852, Alger worked as a teacher and journalist while contributing poems, stories, and essays to such New England literary weeklies as
Gleason's Pictorial,
American Union, and
True Flagunder a variety of pseudonyms. He entered the Harvard Divinity School in 1857, completing a ministerial course there in 1860, and then travelled for a year in Europe. Ordained the minister of the Unitarian Society in Brewster, Mass., in 1864, he resigned little more than a year later when he was accused of pederasty – a charge he did not deny – whereupon he moved to…
909 words
Citation: Scharnhorst, Gary. "Horatio Alger". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 March 2001 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=77, accessed 03 December 2024.]