Thomas More, Utopia

A. D. Cousins (Macquarie University)
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Thomas More's

On the Best State of a Commonwealth and on the New Island of Utopia

(or just


as the work is most commonly known) was first published in 1516 at Louvain. A second edition appeared in 1518. It was written in Latin for a relatively small readership of international, humanist scholars and was heavily promoted by More's friend Desiderius Erasmus, the celebrated Dutch humanist.


takes the form of a dialogue supposedly held by a group of More's friends and in which a fictionalized version of More himself takes part. Insofar as it is a dialogue, the work is modeled on the dialogues of Cicero rather than on those of Plato (though it glances back to Plato's


); in other words, More's dialogue is not designed to reach a point where the issues and problems under…

1961 words

Citation: Cousins, A. D.. "Utopia". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 October 2004 [, accessed 28 March 2025.]

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