, Peter Carey’s second published novel, is a work of startling narrative scope and ambition. Like Salman Rushdie’s
Midnight’s Children, published four years earlier, its approach seems to be heavily influenced by Günter Grass’s
The Tin Drumin that it distils decades of national history – in Carey’s case, Australian national history – into the life story of a central character and his family. Unlike these other two novels, however,
Illywhackeris neither specifically political or directly allegorical; its depiction of Australian national identity is often murky, being tied up in a number of ambiguous and self-contradictory leitmotifs woven into the meandering first-person narrative of a self-confessed liar.
The liar in question is one Herbert Badgery, whose
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Citation: Webb, Ryan. "Illywhacker". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 September 2004 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=4539, accessed 28 March 2025.]