Illness or Modern Women.Like a Play] was first published in 1984 in the journal
manuscripteat a time when Elfriede Jelinek was intensely concerned with the women's movement. A citation from the feminist theorist Eva Meyer serves as the motto of her play linking vampirism to the existence of women in society: “Chinese legends tell that great masters walk into and disappear into their paintings. A woman is not a great master. Therefore, her disappearance is never complete. She reappears as she busily works at her disappearance.” The world premiere, directed by Hans Hollmann, took place at the Schauspiel Bonn on 12 February 1987.
Jelinek subtitles this grotesquely funny piece “like a play”. It departs drastically from traditional
1975 words
Citation: Kraft, Helga W.. "Krankheit oder Moderne Frauen. Wie ein Stück". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 10 February 2006 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=16879, accessed 28 March 2025.]