appeared from Sinclair's Albion Village Press in 1979. The book is sub-titled
A Book of the Furies, A Mythology of the South & East Autumn 1973 to Spring 1978, and is motivated by Sinclair's desire to adopt mythic figures from Blake's
Jerusalem(1804-20) – figures such as Hand, Hyle and Kotope – and reanimate them within a contemporary English landscape. Like Sinclair's earlier text
Lud Heat(1975), the book intersperses poetic sequences with prose essays. “A Cosmogony for Hand & Hyle” launches the first, London-based, sequence of poems; the subsequent poetic assemblages push out to Cambridge and then the West of England, so as to record Sinclair's early experiments in English psychogeography. In the book's exhilarating essays, Sinclair speculatively reflects on his…
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Citation: Bond, Robert. "Suicide Bridge". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 September 2002 [, accessed 28 March 2025.]