Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born on 6 March 1806, in England, County Durham, to Mary Graham-Clarke and Edward Barrett Moulton-Barrett, both of whom inherited wealth from the Jamaica sugar trade. Elizabeth was the first of eleven children. When she was three years old, Edward Moulton-Barrett moved his family to an isolated but lavish home in the Malvern Hills, near the Welsh border. Elizabeth received a sound informal education from her mother and from her younger brother's tutor, who educated her in classical languages.
The political edge to much of Barrett Browning’s work, especially in the poems written at the peak of her career, emerges from a conflict between the middle-class drive to individual success and her own consciousness of the restrictions to individual effort on the
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Citation: Sanders Pollock, Mary. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 07 July 2001; last revised 27 May 2024. [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=612, accessed 30 January 2025.]