The Life

William Wycherley is an important figure in Restoration drama although his reputation as a dramatist rests on only four plays. The first, Love in a Wood was staged in 1671, his second The Gentleman Dancing Master in 1672, his third The Country Wife in 1675 and his fourth and last, The Plain Dealer, in 1676, after which he wrote nothing but some rather poor poetry which he published as Miscellany Poems in 1704, although he lived for another forty years. A mocking bawdy burlesque of Hero and Leander, published anonymously in 1669, is also credited to him

William Wycherley is an important figure in Restoration drama although his reputation as a dramatist rests on only four plays. The first,

Love in a Wood

was staged in 1671, his second

The Gentleman Dancing Master

in 1672, his third

2395 words

Citation: Lewcock, Dawn. "William Wycherley". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 24 September 2007 [, accessed 03 December 2024.]

4818 William Wycherley 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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