Lady Anne Halkett

Suzanne Trill (University of Edinburgh)
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In the first extant volume of

Occationall Meditations



. 1658/9) in an entry entitled “Upon the report of new troubles like to begin,” Lady Anne Halkett beings with the following observation: “I am not very old; yett I haue Seene Such changes as those that hath liued hundreds of yeares hath nott Seene the like” (NLS. Ms. 6490: 56). At the age of 37, Lady Anne Halkett had indeed already experienced tumultuous events, not the least of which being the Civil Wars; however, as she did not die until 1699, more turbulence was to come. Until recently, most accounts of Lady Anne Halkett’s life and experiences have been exclusively based upon her autobiographical




1667-1668) and S. C’s biography,

The Life of the Lady Halket

(Edinburgh, 1701). Remarkable as her


2285 words

Citation: Trill, Suzanne. "Lady Anne Halkett". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 November 2004 [, accessed 28 March 2025.]

1938 Lady Anne Halkett 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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