Andrii Danylenko
Andriy Danylenko is professor of Russian in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures. He holds a Ph.D. in General Linguistics from the Moscow People’s Friendship University (Russia). He has been with Pace since 2012. Created Russian And Slavic Studies Major, co-created Translation Studies Minor Dyson Liason for International Travel and Studies Provost Faculty Fellow, NYC He is the author and editor of 8 books on Slavic linguistics and philology as well as dozens of studies, published in North America, Europe, and Japan, on a wide array of topics ranging from Indo-European to linguistic typology. For example: o Ukrainian (in co-authorship with Vakulenko, Serhii, Munich: LincomEuropa, 1995) o Slavica et Islamica: Ukrainian in Context (Munich: Otto Sagner, 2006) o Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in Slavic languages (Munich, Berlin, Washington, DC: Otto Sagner 2014; in co-editorship) o Studien zu Sprache, Literatur und Kultur bei den Slaven. Gedenkschrift für George Y. Shevelov aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstages und 10. Todestages. Munich, Berlin: Otto Sagner 2012; in co-editorship). The latest book: From the Bible to Shakespeare: Pantelejmon Kulis (1819–1897) and the Formation of Literary Ukrainian (Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2016). Dr. Danylenko has been recipient of several prestigious fellowships, including two Fulbright research grants (Harvard University, 1997; Warsaw University, Poland, 2016), Eugene and Daymel Shklar fellowship (Harvard University, 2008), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Hokkaido University, 2013). He is an editorial Board member of several publications, a reviewer for numerous scholarly publications and programs both in North America, Europe, and Japan.