Rosemary Hamilton Yeoland
Following an initial career in pharmacy, Rosemary Yeoland was able to pursue and develop more recently her deep love of the French language. She was awarded a doctorate at the University of Tasmania, December 2006 for her thesis entitled La Contribution littéraire de Camille Mauclair au domaine musical parisien à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle . This has since been published as a monograph by Edwin Mellen Press. Several years previously, Rosemary had completed pianoforte studies to A.Mus.A level and her combined French and musical interest manifested first in her Honours thesis, on André Gide's literary connection to music: Le Rapport entre la musique et l'éveil de la spiritualité et de la sensualité chez André Gide which was followed by her Masters thesis: Romain Rolland et l'héroïsme: une perspective musicale Dr Yeoland, who is a research associate with the School of Humanities, University of Tasmania, taught part-time in the French department at the University of Tasmania from 2002 to 2013 and is currently translating Camille Mauclair's autobiography Servitude et Grandeur littéraires into English.