Valerie Minogue
Valerie Minogue, Professor Emeritus of the University of Wales (1996 - ). Formerly Professor of French and Head of the Romance Studies Department of Swansea University (1981-1988), Research Professor (1988-96), co-founder with Brian Nelson (1982), and Editor, then General Editor of the journal Romance Studies (1982-2004). Formerly Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer in the French Department of Queen Mary, University of London (1962-1981). President of the Emile Zola Society, London (2005 -).
Publications include Proust, Du côté de chez Swann, Edward Arnold, 1973, reprinted 1976; Nathalie Sarraute: The War of the Words, Edinburgh University Press, 1981; Zola, L’Assommoir, Grant & Cutler, 1991, and Co-editor of Nathalie Sarraute, Œuvres complètes, with Notes and Notices of Tropismes, Portrait d’un inconnu, Martereau, Le Planétarium, Vous les entendez? “disent les imbéciles...”, L’Usage de la parole, and Tu ne t’aimes pas. Translator, with introduction and notes, Émile Zola, Money, Oxford World's Classics, OUP, 2014, Emile Zola, The Sin of Abbé Mouret, Oxford World's Classics, 2017. Contributions to various books and scholarly journals.