Brenda Ayres
Dr. Brenda Ayres is a full professor and member of the graduate faculty, and Assistant Honors Director at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, where she teaches nineteenth-century English Literature. Most of her publications are in Victorian literature, which include 80-90 articles plus these book publications: Miss Gusta: Augusta Jane Evans Wilson, or, the Victorian Mobilian; The Emperor's Old Groove: Decolonizing Disney's Magic Kingdom; Silent Voices: Forgotten Novels by Victorian Women Writers; Frances Trollope and the Novel of Social Change; and Dissenting Women in Dickens' Novels: The Subversion of Domestic Ideology. Through Pickering and Chatto, she has been the general editor for two four-volume series, The Social Problem Novels of Frances Trollope and The Widow and Wedlock Novels of Frances Trollope, as well as series editors for several of the novels in those series and for Jessie Fothergill’s Kith and Kin.